Lucio Monte Alto, MD, PhD
Board Chair
Medical Fellowship in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism - IBCMED / SP
PhD / Doctorate Degree in Medicine at USP / HC-FMUSP
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism - MEC
Board Chair - Brazilian Board of Obesity Medicine - SBEMO
Board Chair - European Board of Obesity Medicine - EBOM
Vice-chairman - Brazilian Andropause and Menopause Society - SBAM
Director of Obesity Medicine Clinical Fellowship - Sbemo Pós - MEC / Ensine / SP
Obesity Medicine / Harvard Medical School
Member of Endocrine Society
Member of Obesity Society
Medical Fellowship in Psychiatry - IBCMED - SP
Medical Fellowship in Nutrology - SANAR - SP

Leonardo Sande, MD
Vice Chair
Doctor en Medicina. UDELAR
Especialista en medicina intensiva. Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay
Diplomado en Obesidad. Universidad Favaloro. Argentina
Máster en obesidad y trastornos de la alimentación. Universidad de Cádiz. España
Ex docente de la cátedra de medicina Intensiva. UDELAR
Cargo de alta dedicación de la médica uruguaya. Montevideo -Uruguay
Director de Clínica Sande. Montevideo -Uruguay

Anna Carolina Hoff, MD
Italy / Germany / Brazil
Scientific Director
Bariatric Surgeon
Advanced Interventional Endoscopist
Vice Chair of Innovations and Inventions at ASGE
Member of the Board Bariatric channel
Proctor Apollo Endosurgery / Boston Scientific
CEO and founder Angioskope Advanced training Center- São José dos Campos/SP
Board Director of the Brazilian and Pan American Board of Obesity Medicine - SBEMO / PABOM
Specialist in General SurgeryMedical Residency in Digestive Endoscopy
Medical Fellowship in Respiratory Endoscopy
Medical Fellowship in Sports Nutrition

Devinder Singh Bansi,
London / United Kingdon
Director of International Relations Western Europe
Gastroenterologist & Interventional Endoscopist
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Imperial College London
Medical Director, Weight Doctors UK - Founding partner, board member and QUAP! chairman for OneWelbeck Health Partners Endoscopy Unit in London
The first endoscopists in the UK to start an ESG service at Imperial College and the Cromwell Hospital in London
Member of the endoscopy committee for BOMSS (British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society) Endoscopy committee
Member of ASGE International Endoscopy Committee
Author on the forthcoming BSG (British Society of Gastroenterology) guidelines for bariatric
National and international proctor for Apollo/Boston Endosurgery

Dina Peralta-Reich, MD
North American Director / International Medical Affairs
Founder of New York Weight Wellness Medicine, PLLC / New York
Double board-certified in Pediatrics by American Boards of Pediatrics and Obesity Medicine
Director of Pediatric Hospitalist Medicine / Lenox Hill Hospital / New York
Assistant Professor at Zucker Medical School / New York
Residency in Pediatrics at Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center / Cornell University- New York
Member of American Academy of Pediatrics / Obesity Medicine Association
Member of Asociación Panameña para la prevención y el tratamiento de la Obesidad
MBSAQIP member- Adolescent Bariatric and Metabolic surgery participant center- Lenox Hill Hospital/ NY
Global Health Advocate - Yearly Medical Missions to Panamá

Claudio Nogueira, MD, PhD
Spain / Brazil
Director of International
Relations Southern Europe
PhD in Surgery from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain.
Titular Member and Specialist recognized by the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery. Completed Medical Residency with an extension at the Ivo Pitanguy Institute (PUC/RJ).
Holder of the European Title in Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery awarded by the Portuguese Medical Association.
Member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
Member of the European Society of Aesthetic Surgery.
Chirurgien Esthétique at Polyclinique De L'ormeau - Site Pyrénées, Tarbes, France.
Director/Aesthetic Physician and Cosmiatric Surgery at Clínica Softouch.

César G. Beguiristain, MD
Doctor of Medicine - University of the Republic / Montevideo / Uruguay
Doctor of Medicine revalidated in Brasil - UFPE
Medical Fellowship in Nutrology - USP - Faculty of Medicine - Ribeirão Preto - SP
Medical Fellowship in Family Medicine - Federal University of Pernambuco
Obesity Medicine Board Certified by the Brazilian Board of Obesity Medicine - SBEMO
Medical Fellowship in Homeopathy / Centre d'enseignement et de développement de l'homéopathie – CEDEH France
Founding Director of Emebra Medical Support
Member of the Brazilian Society of Internal Medicine (SBCM)

Romina Espinola
Specialized Family Medicine - Baptist Medical Center University, Paraguay.
Member of the Paraguayan scientific society of family and community medicine and primary health care.
Certified by the Brazilian Society of Obesity Medicine (SBEMO).
Endocrinology and Metabolism - University of Maringá, Brazil.
Postgraduate in Diabetology, National University of Córdoba.
Advanced study of endocrinology and sports medicine, Unifesp, Brazil.
Training in nutrition and orthomolecular medicine. -
Governance, political and public management, Columbia and George Washington University.
Higher Education Specialist.

Osmel J. G. Mayol, PhD
Graduated in Medicine at the Universidad Ciencias Médicas in Havana, Cuba.
Diploma revalidated at the Federal University of Pernambuco.
- Specialist in Pain with Post-Graduation at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein.
Post-Graduation in Rheumatology by the Brazilian College of Medicine and Health (CBMS) affiliated to the Candido Mendes University (UCAM)
Postgraduate in Intensive Care (UNYLEYA)
Member of the Brazilian Society for the Study of Pain (SBED)
Member of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP).
Member of the Brazilian Society of Obesity Medicine (SBEMO)
Managing Partner of the Multidisciplinary Center for Pain and Healthy Aging (NUMIDES)

Lisset K. V. da Costa, MD
Doctor of Medicine - ELAM (Latin American School of Medicine) Cuba
Doctor of Medicine revalidated in Brazil
Medical Fellowship in Gynecology and Obstetrics - HC UFPE
Medical Fellowship - Fetal Medicine - USP - RP
Medical Fellowship - Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Ginecology - AMB
Obesity Medicine Board Certified by the Brazilian Board of Obesity Medicine - SBEMO

Ana Maria Cardozo, MD
Medical Fellowship in Internal Medicine from the Mayor de San Simon University
Medical Fellowship in Endocrinology at IEDE/PUC-RJ
Member of the Bolivian Society of Endocrinology and Metabology
Obesity Medicine Board Certified by the Brazilian Board of Obesity Medicine - SBEMO

Vinicius Siqueira, MD
Graduated in Medicine from Gama Filho University
Postgraduate in Endocrinology from IPEMED
Endocrinology Professor at Barbacena FAME Medical School
Preceptor of the Endocrinology Outpatient Clinic at Agostinho Paulucci University Hospital
Professor and preceptor of the Endocrinology Outpatient Clinic at Afya
Director, Certified Member, and Professor at SBAM - Society of Andropause and Menopause
Director of EBOM - European Board of Obesity Medicine
Member of SBD (Brazilian Society of Diabetes)
Member of the Endocrine Society and the World Obesity Federation
Clinical Endocrinology from Harvard Medical School - USA
Annual Review Course in Endocrinology and Diabetes from the American
Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, AACE / USA

Patrick Ferreira Brito, MD
Medical Fellowship in Obesity and Sarcopenia Sciences- FANESE
Obesity Medicine Board Certified by the Brazilian Board of Obesity Medicine – SBEMO
Member of the Endocrine Society
Obesity Medicine Board Certified by the Pan American Board Of Obesity Medicine, PABOM
Medical Fellowship in Sports Medicine, IBCMED
Medical Fellowship in Nutrition and Metabolism, UNIGUAÇU
Medical Fellowship in Exercise Physiology, UVA
Medical Residency Medical Clinic, HMCC-SP

Alberto Ortiz
Costa Rica
General and Gastrointestinal Surgeon, Universidad de Costa Rica
Endoscopic Surgery, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Head of Endoscobesidad , Bariatric Endoscopy Clinic

Rocío Miluska
Parrales Donayre
Especialización en Gastroenterología y
Endoscopia / Universidad Ricardo Palma -
Diplomado en Auditoria Basado en Evidencias Médico Cirujano / Universidad Privada de Ciencias Aplicadas UPC
Research Fellowship en
Endoscopia Bariátrica
Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São
Paulo - Universidad de São Paulo -
Maestría en Investigación Clínica Universidad de San Martín de Porres
Capacitación en Endoscopia Bariátrica / Instituto IFEC
Diplomado Alta Especialización en Gerencia de Servicios de Salud
Universidad ESAN Graduate School of Business /Universidad Javeriana de Colombia -
Capacitación en Detección temprana de Cáncer de
Estómago - Instituto Cancerológico de Bogotá – Colombia -
Observership - Capacitación en Endoscopia Digestiva Avanzada Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo
Post-Grado Lato Sensu
Especialización en Medicina de la Obesidad
Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina da Obesidade - Ensine Faculdade